Sunday, December 16, 2012

Windows Vista Service Pack 1 Wont’t Install

A couple of days ago I had a computer given to me to do some clean up of malware, I ran all of my basic malware removal tools and the computer was running great after I did all the cleaning. I then decided to do all the windows updates, because this computer was so far behind that it didn’t even have service pack 1, so I went to the start menu and on the search bar I typed windows update and it download several updates and the computer restarted , after that, I checked again for more updates and then it showed that service pack 1 was available, so click on install and it started downloading and installing, less than a minute into the installation it told me that it had installed successfully, I knew it didn’t, because usually installing service packs takes a long time and I was right it didn’t install, so I tried a couple more times and I got the same problem.


So after doing some research I found a different way to install service pack 1, if for some reason you have the same problem all you have to do is go to the Microsoft website download page  and manually download the service pack , once you have download it, double click on the file and it will install without any problems and I don’t know why doing it through the windows update  on the search bar won’t work, I guess that’s why a lot of  people didn’t like vista, because it was always giving them problems.


  1. If your computer is giving you a hard time, I think it would be best to reformat it and install only the user-friendly applications that you can manipulate easily. You may ask your service repair shop for applications that are easy to use and ask them to install only those. Also, do not forget to look up the memory of the computer because that is the component that basically processes everything inside it.

    Darryl Housand

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